Options for purchasing Rosanna’s work
Look through the catalogue of available work and email Rosanna at rb@rosannaburford.com with the painting you are interested in. Please include your full name, shipping address, and phone number. Rosanna will respond to confirm the work is still available and potentially pass your inquiry on to a representing gallery. If the work is available to purchase directly from the artist, Rosanna will get an invoice to you promptly with payment options.
Upcoming gallery shows are shown here .If you see a painting in a gallery that interests you, please contact the gallery for next steps. The gallery team will organise payment and shipping. Thanks for visiting a gallery show!
Every November, Rosanna’s online shop opens for a week for a new series of Winter Gardens, usually a small selection of reasonably priced paintings. Sign up to the newsletter here to get first pick.
Rosanna takes on a handful of new commissions every year. These can be for private, public or corporate spaces. Please see the information and form provided here: Link