Winter is coming…

Oh Winter, you are enchanting me already.

Last night, I saw the newest Cirque du Soleil production - Crystal - and was truly mesmerised. The acrobatics on ice give a glimpse of what the human body is capable of and put my workouts at home into perspective. The last weeks have been mantled by oh so many dog walks, already bitter cold in the early mornings. At the end of a beautiful sunny Autumn, more walks seem to be in darkness and often lead past the local church and its huge golden clock. I'm not religious but its glowing star and golden lights have often been a sign of home and warmth in past years. Winter holds so many spiritual moments for us, whether it's a star showing us we're nearly home or the swooshes of icescating angels.

All of the above and more inspired this year's Winter Gardens collection.


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Studio Collectors’ Event 2022